
Digital Wallet


Jul 11, 2022: I created a MetaMask account and figured out how to add funds to my account. I struggled with this for a while …

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NFT & Blockchain

My Eyes were Opened

So, this is my first venture into blogging and building publicly. I am not nervous about it, but I do believe this will help me ...
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Got CommUnity?

  This project was created during a time where churches needed help transitioning their face-to-face bible studies and community group into an online format. The ...
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The Sarah Jackson Podcast

  This project was created to help empower others through service, education, and training to become financially literate homeowners.
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Multicultural Education

  The aim of this project was to create gamified online interactive that would give teachers the ability to perceive and recognize the unique components ...
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Video Training

5 Tips to be a Distance/Remote Learning Superstar!

This project was created to help our students and families who were struggling in Distance/Remote learning. We wanted to support them by creating digital content ...
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